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2004-11-09 - 9:41 a.m.

Only a week since my last entry. Getting a little better at this. Maybe I am falling into old fart syndrom a little early and sometimes I just don't get why I post. That or I am getting senile and I think I post. Tough call.

Anyways if any of my Burn It compatriots are reading this my discs are going out in the mail later today. My printer was acting up, getting whiny about not having any ink so it took me longer than anticipated. I guess I can't complain about the ink since I need to get ink about once a year.

I went to go see What The Bleep Do We Know?. This is a documentary, kind of a quantum physics for dummies. The really cool part for me is these scientists were basically saying the same thing that the mysics and new agers that I have been studying for years is saying. For me the coolest part was when they talked about the work of Dr. Masaru Emoto. He would take bottles of water, write various words on paper and tape them to the bottles. He then would freeze 50 samples and do some averaging to come up with the "typical" crystal from that water. The results were way cool. The link above should give some info about the work and further links. This got me to get more into affirmations and watching the self-talk that is going on. To quote Armin Shimmerman (his only line in the film, might I add) "Makes you think. If words can do this to water, what can it do to our bodies?" I HIGHLY recommend this film.

To take a bit from some other bloggers:

Currently playing (manually updated): Evanescence "Fallen"
Currently reading: The Force by Stuarte Wilde
Current Moon Phase: Balsamic


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